Sunday, May 10, 2015

Downstairs Neighbor

Downstairs Neighbor 

The day promises a scorching heat
grackles call out
the bird feeder is empty!
Fidgety squirrel squats on the gutter
peers down
on the lookout for three menacing dogs
who love the chase

a tipped lantern recalls last night's 
gathering of friends around a fire pit
roasting marshmallows
melting chocolate on graham crackers 

silent flowering cacti
embrace a mean sun
and the new season that will anchor them
to the rocky Texan soil

And there she sat
on a patio chair
crawling deeper
everyday into a grieving well
poor economics
bad job
stuffed up head 
"I can't fuckin' smell"
she yelled across the yard

Is it worse than the cancer?

Her morning 
was night and night
The day 
An owl
hungry panther
pouncing upon the hint
of a hopeful call 
and maybe just maybe 
different diagnosis 

We prayed 

And she roared 
Despair and disappointment

The massive cedars
towering pecan 
the heavy branched elms
could not muffle her wail and cry

for a job
for some hope
or just the simple aroma of
brewing coffee

for acceptance

Listen my sweet to the flutter of wings
Do you hear the fledglings begging for food 
chirp chirp chirp 

They can muffle the sound of a
terminal ticking clock

Ah look, the backyard gate is open
in comes yet another wave 
of untouchable heat about 
to settle with endurance
for another morbid day
into your now empty patio seat. 

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