Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I like them
the ones
that look like planets
spinning on my
coffee table
and taking me away
to fantasy worlds
where I can be
a friendly alien
who will tell
the Uranians
or the Martians
or the Venutians
or the Saturnians
that I am a Pisces
and my species
that is
the human race
is sometimes
strange and confused
and obsessed with
and control
but that if
they will have a
little patience
with us
we could be
invited over for coffee
or tea
and then they
should send us home

Maquila Zoned Out

Maquila  Zoned Out

Barely begins to capture
The weight of the grief
That sits
Mountain sized
Upon my soul
As a departing visitor to
El Paso/Ciudad Juarez
A land of divides
Rich and poor
Brown and white
Citizen and not
Identities crafted
By powerful attitudes in
Custom and law

Citizens also
Who are ignorant and not
Of the ironic embrace
Of the dizzying pace
of the twin plants’
economic growth
In one more city seduced
By the dream of
The “package deal” of boom trade
Maquila zones of prosperity
That have forged in this part of the world
Paths that die in the desert
Surrounded by silently
Weeping mountains
El paso a la muerte



To Women 
Young and old
Victims both
One kind to the violence
By men who stalk them
For inhabiting the young female body
Their mothers and fathers equal victims of the
Tragedy and horror of losing a daughter sister wife to
sexual terrorism
Assaulted by haunting images of
A loved one’s last few
Hours and minutes of
A stolen life
And of a youthful beauty
And brutally burned
And killed

Meanwhile my own
Image of silent screaming
And wanton abduction
Occurring in the day or night
Is permanently etched in my  tired
And frightened mind

I find myself suspiciously staring
At presumed terrorists
Inhabiting male bodies
And directing my silent
Raging stares
At clean bodies
And suited men in elegant ties

The other terrorists
I charge
Those capable of crippling
Governments and countries
With an offer to sign here
On the dotted line
And welcome to free trade
Licentious trade
The wonders of working
Your poorest citizens into legal slavery
And sending their children
Into early graves

The indifferent terrorist
Selling his country’s and
His company’s wares
His cheap wages
To a cheapened and
Once loved culture
Of safety and simplicity
We once knew in Old Mexico
The Mexico he only sees through
The lenses of ancient class divisions
And bigotry

The Mexico one President
Must salvage from international shame
While the other curries favor
To the immigrant labor he must
At once welcome in his own country and blame

Yes these are the terrorists
Fighting global wars
Pressuring nations with
Candy bars and iron sticks
Never stopping to think
Oh not at all
Of the part they play
Big or small
In this nightmare of a time
To be a woman and to be living and working
On the border
In the horror chambered
Export processing zone

Elegant terrorists who with their complacency have violated spaces of privacy
Corners of safety
Valleys of desire, need and despair
The terrorist in a blue suit checking into fancy hotels
Holding business meetings aimed at neighborly mutual profit as they ignore the symbols of poverty knocking at the door
Never to be made part of the conversation
Other than to ask for
Another clean towel
On which to wipe the
Dainty sweat of working
Hard to ignore
The chant and plaintive cry of the young dead women’s families
Who ask but Why?
Who demand that all that could  be done
Will be done

When a woman welcomed
To be their workers
Might be honored
And reclaimed in spirit and name
If not in her rotting remains
By the man in that thousand dollar suit
Who helped to recruit
Her innocence and her labor
Her lethal trust and confidence
For a cheap little wage that to her
Was a small liberation from
Poverty and despair
When in fact iit sent her
Daily walking to a factory to and fro until one day
Approaching it
Or headed home  
She was met
By bloodthirsty
Depravity who drove
Her to a desert
And the Palace of Crime
Erected in the devil’s playground

In Ciudad Juarez’

Exploit and murder
processing zone.

El Paso, TX 4/27/02

Hail Cesar!

Hail Cesar!
Chavez that is
who art in Heaven
this prayer’s
so you can look down
upon your children
If you se Martin around
Luther that is
not the one tu madre
would say is
named after the devil
tell him there’s
some work
to be done
down here
Brown and Black
needing your love
and protection
not getting a
good education

Ay what a disgrace
and a shame
after all that struggle
and your protests and
marches for
social change

Hail Mary!’
Guadalupe that is
the brown virgin
of Mexico
Mother of the poor
and the disposessed
If you’re into cooking
these days
why don’t you have
these two santos
over for some bean,
maybe some rice
and a little miracle-making’
you know
a little alphabet soup
and send some leftovers
down in a tupperware of

You know what I mean
for the locals
of the Southwest
No, not the locos y locas
that’s locals,
the grass roots activists
who get so tangled up
in nets of laws, politics,
lies and mutual distrust

and when you’re through
and having your cafecito
and conversation
Won’t you send us a vision
for your children
who keep lighting those
candles of hope

So Hail
Holy Trinity
symbols of humility,
poverty and dreams

Assuming for a moment
that life and death
are separated only by a thought
I have one here for y’all
in this petition
which is resting on
a wealth of documented
evidence that indeed
el trabajo is not over

In the name of the
fathers and the mothers
and the children who
deserve a hulluva lot better


El Fuego Budista (Buddha's Fire)

A candle burns
As does my life
It moves in the breeze
First gently and then not
As do the waves of
My maddening thoughts

It stands straight
Looking to the air for
More light
And then it withers in the darkness
As imagined shadows tell it
Don’t burn so bright

The fire flickers 
As if speaking to me
I imagine it to be the
Silent  voice of  a ghost
Of someone who once sat also 
Enjoying a morning  prairie view
On these midwestern lands

I look at my hands
That held the match
For this small candle
Finding tiny wrinkles
And brown spots
A gift from the sun’s fiery
Light on my aging skin
Which like my patience
Begins to wear oh so thin

My brightness edging to the
Lower half of my own life’s
I feel the resistance
When in the morning
These knees sound a light creak
And tense worries rise up in my chest
Sometimes forcing my breath to catch
And sometimes just making me wheeze

I observe the rounding flesh
Right at  my middle
It’s too late now to
Contain them with a girdle
A judgment from a two-sided mirror
One man made
The other an image of failed
Womanly perfection
The product of expectations
I challenge silently with a stubborn furor

A candle burns bright
For as long as the god’s of light intend
I sit here thinking of life
And the suicidal death last week of
A younger woman named Gayla
And I write desperately against time
With a firm young pen
A tired hand
A bold heart
But still an aging woman

Frightened by the fire of
Deep suffering in life we
Cannot escape
Watching the fire burn
Watching and waiting for
The next page of her life to turn.

Oak Park, Illinois 8/28/02

Prairie Morning

I didn’t touch myself
Between the legs
This morning
As a gesture to think
Of you and our last embrace
In a bed together
Closed doors
Open hearts
Tumbling the sheets
And ourselves in the
Austin sweat of our hungry love

I didn’t call you to say good morning
I didn’t know for sure
Where you would be

I’m listening to the sound of music
From the next room
And the whirr of the fan
Where it always gets too hot 
And above the drone and strum
I’m trying to listen to my heart
To see what it says
About you and me
As I breathe and sigh into a
Lonely Dekalb morning
Feeling the changing breeze
From summer into fall
Passing through the kitchen screen
Raising the hairs of our long haired black cat
And sending him to a warmer spot
For his daily nap

I just wrote a while ago
That I didn’t want to go
Through my life asleep

But oh what a task it is to be
Awake and feel this
Slice of coldness served
On my bread of life
This morning
Without even a  spoonful of
Your honey
To comfort me today.