For I am the product of the food I eat
First peanut butter on toast
with a bit of berry jam
is yummy no one can question
when I eat you I have excellent
Almond butter was often
a wonderful treat
until I took an allergy test
and was seriously advised
these nuts-- do not overeat!
Brazil nuts from South America
hard and substantial
and for the feeling of a whole meal
just gobble a handful
Tan brown bumpy walnuts
native to the Southern parts
of western California
bring back memoriesof cracking them
together with holiday chestnuts
great for the omelette
a natural antihistamine
to cure a stuffy nose
Why walnuts you are so resourceful
I do say I love you so...
Ahhh the little round hazelnut
when you are mixed
with a bit of chocolate
you turn the red strawberry
into sheer magic and merry...
And then Southern pecan
Dearest pecans
pop pop popping as you hit the ground
and shooting roots up
for a tree here there and everywhere
because in Austin this
gracious tree does abound
so lovely for a pecan pie
or even for a kale garlic summer stir fry
Feeling nutty?
feeling crazy?
if not allergic to them
gather all the nuts you can find
and just chop sprinkle crunch
or even bake them.
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