Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Mr. Rex's Lesson Plan

The breeze from the fan
tickles my poodle's long hair
he lays at my feet trusting

His species spelled backwards is God
whose eyes I see when he gives me that 
Old Soul's look and tells me 

"You are much too controlling my love
and I have something to teach you
about yourself and your constant hurrying

Do for one like me

lay here in communion with a hard 
wooden floor
now and then 
a short separation between me 
and Mother Earth
feel the support and the space
to breathe in and out
to have puppy dreams
and frolic through the streets
free of harness and collar
to catch a rabbit's tail
or smell a squirrel's butt

Let go of all worries
after a walk and a meal 
and some drink
be mellow
and feel
the gentle breeze 
listening to the whirr of the fan 
as it caresses my long hair 
and my black nose 
taking me to no where and no worries land
for a nap 
or deep snoring sleep."

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