Tuesday, September 23, 2014


[Once upon a time I thought I would try a week long guided fast.]

Love is a mystery
no connection it seems
to what is going on around me
until I remember
Hey, they’re probably
all feeling just like me
Where is love in this process
of tepid broth
beet juice
brown rice
and nothing but 
Where is love in this journey
of looking at me
from the inside out
not running from the
uncooked emotions
bubbling to the surface
of this teapot of my inner self

Where am I?
Who am I? Who have I been
around rice, pasta, cookies
ice cream and endless arrays
of rich desserts and why?
What does love
have to do with eating and not eating?

But I have eaten
out of loneliness
I have eaten out of spite
I have eaten inside of closets
I have hidden snacks
and opened them in the night
I have eaten for 2 or 3 all in one sitting
and I have also starved myself in punishment
for the binge
I have eaten in ways 
when I didn’t even know
that the cake, cookie or candy
was covering up 
a dirty old feeling 
like Hate. 

Eating is love
is a need
is a right
is a burden

Eating is a feeling, a thought
I buried under every
fast, hungry, unconscious bite

Eat, bite, crunch, 
fast, slow, awake and 
mellow.  Eat 
for nourishment
for body and soul
eat for energy to 
dance, kick, run
and play with other fellows 

Eating for love
for loss of love
not eating for love
for loss of love?

Where is love?

It remains 
a mystery
food and love 
and eating

the same

a part of the mystery
my own investigation into the
differences between
loneliness, hunger, eating, food
and loving me.

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