Tuesday, August 19, 2014

La Mañana Bonita

Looking out my window 
I could see my labrador Ricky's black snout
lifted in the air
nodding and appreciating the Central Texas 
summer air
Impatiens and petunias decorate the ground below
A grackel swoops by the cedar elm
loudly announcing his landing 
to bluejays and mockingbirds
sharing the bird feeder

I relish this moment for daily prayer
mindful sightseeing
inward vision
As I  look at the patio and empty chairs
No one to see the pecan tree's newly unleashed
green seeds that will harden and brown
releasing tasty morsels as the seasons 
change and leaves drop to the ground

A sunny morn in Austin 
trucks on Enfield with busy workers 
whiz down to the capitol and other state offices 
Ricky and Sonia bark in unison
like good sentries guarding the property

I sit near the cat
with whom I could get chatty
for she is part Siamese
and part Tabby

A morning's reflection to relish 
the day's events yet to come
to be welcomed with gratitude
or appreciation
that I have eyes to take in these simple beauties
and good ears to hear the opening of a new day
to enjoy the natural wonders
thankful for energy to pen these words
when a day ago I couldn't look at food

A snapshot of a summer morn
in Austin's early days of August
I preserve you here 
in this grateful poem.

August 6, 2002

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