Friday, August 15, 2014

Ahm 50

Overweight by 30 lbs at least
aching arm hands and something in my feet
shades of grey have overwhelmed my temple
each hair announcing itself like 
the palm trees on a California street
wrinkles that will deepen 
with smiles frowns
and furrows of worries 

With every swipe of the cosmetic puff
I stare in the mirror until I've had enough
putting the case down as I'm forced to 
welcome a new mole on my face 
shouting back at me 
"you're getting old 
you are looking like grandma and mom
putting on Constant Worry as an outfit just like the one
and addicted to the outlet stores just like other

The tires around your middle 
are generous amounts 
of cookies coffee ice cream
saved by talent and a sewing kit
for letting out yet another seam

50, greying
10 years to 60!
No use staying grumpy.

June 2002, Austin TX

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