Friday, August 29, 2014

The threat

My serenity is in a bowl of nickels
that got gambled away
one night in Lake Charles Louisiana
I sat like an idiot
at home hours away
probably eating popsicles
and watching old movies on TV
thinking you were at your computer
or talking to a client
instead the only authority call you
made was to the credit card company
to advance money
you didn't have and to take it to
a cheap venue
that had its own plans for sucking
your sense of dignity
completely dry.

My desire to have
a sweet kiss or maybe even
a roll in the hay flipped down
the felt table
along with the bouncing dice
pop! in one second of
you just forgot
that if I found out how
immature you'd get in the need
to delude yourself one more time
at a casino
or at the click on the charge button
of  a gambling internet site
that I would get so mad
and so scared of your insensitivity
that I might this time
really mean it
pack my bags
and walk out the door.

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