Saturday, September 20, 2014


B L A N K 

like the emptiness
between the thoughts
during meditation


the whir of the blades
in the ceiling fan
fast paces
between the cars
speeding down Enfield

For now
let's go
10 miles per hour
like the white pills I took
to stay up late studying
during college
or the rapid pace of my working life
in New York City
Speeding with tightness of the schedule
of a young lawyer
who gave herself
no blank spaces

that robbed me of my inheritance
Yes, a gene pool filled with longevity
people living over one hundred
people who enjoyed blank spaces
they filled with delicious
slow, mellow experiences
at less than 10 miles per hour

I once met a psychic who
said that in her meditation
two numbers kept coming up
6 and 7
I panicked
vowed never to see a psychic again

Everytime I saw the number I panicked
a plane flight 677
a short life 67?
my childhood at 6 or 7?
parts of it were sad
and some very bad
But it could also mean the lottery
67 million dollars

Blank spaces
lots of zeros after 67
what the hell
it's my anxiety and
at the end of this
string of words
covering up the blank spaces.

Austin, TX 2014/2023

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