Sunday, September 21, 2014


Crick in my neck
from worrying
ragged sheets
as I nervously
await this dawn
wet inside
and out
floods taking away
innocent lives
and here I sit
in my privilege
thankful it’s not me
not this time

soothing tones
like a wand over
the clouds
I see the hands
an harmonious
music director
notes on a page
of my life

3 a.m.
about a class today
 4 a.m.
get up it’s too late
to just worry
get up and
brush off the dustballs of
and procrastination
those wonerful
dresses for my fears

Wake up girl
it’s another glorious day
to learn
to listen
to care
Sit up
hold your chin high
even as you cry
as you remember
a love lost
a buried friend
a life you miss

Appreciate the call
and the opportunity to
life is so very precious
and so very small
a speck
a moment
stretched out
on a canvas of
but not much more
than that

What we put into it
this moment
to sit
and take in the breeze
of a chilly morn
even the silence of birds
a pup’s whimper
a cat’s sleepy meow
a cozy corner
of a safe bed

How lucky you are
no waters knew high
in YOUR kitchen
no treasures
floating off
into rivers of yearning
no one to bury today
a respite from the mourn
and a beautiful
gentle reflection
on life’s treasures
from just
getting up
and out of
a restless bed

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