Wednesday, September 24, 2014

El Fuego Budista (Buddha's Fire)

A candle burns
As does my life
It moves in the breeze
First gently and then not
As do the waves of
My maddening thoughts

It stands straight
Looking to the air for
More light
And then it withers in the darkness
As imagined shadows tell it
Don’t burn so bright

The fire flickers 
As if speaking to me
I imagine it to be the
Silent  voice of  a ghost
Of someone who once sat also 
Enjoying a morning  prairie view
On these midwestern lands

I look at my hands
That held the match
For this small candle
Finding tiny wrinkles
And brown spots
A gift from the sun’s fiery
Light on my aging skin
Which like my patience
Begins to wear oh so thin

My brightness edging to the
Lower half of my own life’s
I feel the resistance
When in the morning
These knees sound a light creak
And tense worries rise up in my chest
Sometimes forcing my breath to catch
And sometimes just making me wheeze

I observe the rounding flesh
Right at  my middle
It’s too late now to
Contain them with a girdle
A judgment from a two-sided mirror
One man made
The other an image of failed
Womanly perfection
The product of expectations
I challenge silently with a stubborn furor

A candle burns bright
For as long as the god’s of light intend
I sit here thinking of life
And the suicidal death last week of
A younger woman named Gayla
And I write desperately against time
With a firm young pen
A tired hand
A bold heart
But still an aging woman

Frightened by the fire of
Deep suffering in life we
Cannot escape
Watching the fire burn
Watching and waiting for
The next page of her life to turn.

Oak Park, Illinois 8/28/02

Prairie Morning

I didn’t touch myself
Between the legs
This morning
As a gesture to think
Of you and our last embrace
In a bed together
Closed doors
Open hearts
Tumbling the sheets
And ourselves in the
Austin sweat of our hungry love

I didn’t call you to say good morning
I didn’t know for sure
Where you would be

I’m listening to the sound of music
From the next room
And the whirr of the fan
Where it always gets too hot 
And above the drone and strum
I’m trying to listen to my heart
To see what it says
About you and me
As I breathe and sigh into a
Lonely Dekalb morning
Feeling the changing breeze
From summer into fall
Passing through the kitchen screen
Raising the hairs of our long haired black cat
And sending him to a warmer spot
For his daily nap

I just wrote a while ago
That I didn’t want to go
Through my life asleep

But oh what a task it is to be
Awake and feel this
Slice of coldness served
On my bread of life
This morning
Without even a  spoonful of
Your honey
To comfort me today.

Contemplative Walk

When you walked around the room
I saw you hurting
in the left foot
the look of uncertainty
clouding over you
I noticed the change
in your pace
as you slowed down
the need to make it right
as you remembered
oh, that’s just the critic again
cackling again
on its own rhythm and cycled return
you can tune it out
and I’m so glad that you did
Your arms then rose in prayer
to the heavens and the angels’ breath
filling the room
I saw your eyes tear
the warm river of release
I felt the stirring of an inner girl
of seven, eight and nine
at the ages of innocence, first knowings
and uncertainty
and I wept for her
as I weep for you
and I held her
the girl in you
who is the girl in me
with frightened eyes
and careful, too careful step
with a too adult need to make
things perfect
holding life in polished rooms
that she cleaned so well
trying to make Them happy
trying to stop their pain
so they might have the time
to notice hers
Yes, I saw all of this
in that tender step
as you walked this room
as you often walk through your life
and I heard you listen
to the sounds of love
from sweet music
to your own quiet sobs
and I loved the moments of holding
you and her in my mind
and the inner landscape
of my very soul


The old panes
Barely keep the wind out
Frost builds at the edges
Offering me the crazy notion
Of scooping it out to make
A snow cone
In January
But warm blankets
 wool socks
and hot tea
beckon me
to lay beside
a fat cat who wants to be
curled up and asleep
at my knee
tossing to the freezing
my despair and my doubt

Winter 2000

Cave in the Marrow

so I closed my eyes
and I went right into it
I took a deep breath
B R E A T H E.......
and all I could feel
was this
intense burning painpainpain
and still with
my eyes closed
I thought I could
visualize the meat
yes, the meat
the blood
the muscles,
the traffic inside my veins
the throbbing of the
cellular structure
going about its business
of keeping me alive
and in the meat
was my resistance
yes, tough meaty, jerky style
and then I saw it
the meat
wrapped around
my thigh bone
the one that was giving
me such a hard time
and guess what
I had to breathe again
in ......
out ........
in ......
even slower
than before
in ........
holding on to my brown
skin over this
goddamn stubborn thigh
fleshy leg
with muscles over bones
and then it happened
I understood
that I was to go down
deeper into the tissues
and laugh at my jerky, meaty resistance
and when I did
I found
there was a message written
for my eyes only
on the bone
I thought was being pierced
with crazy pain
a message that in my mind’s eye
Please take off your shoes
which I had already done
how silly I thought
and of course that
is what the mind does
notice things and
silly thoughts
and you keep
breathing and the sign said
or maybe it was the yoga instructor
who said this
And it was still there
my awareness that
there was something I
was either doing or not
doing about this
stretching connection
yoga, unity, mind-body-spirit  thing
because I still couldn’t get as far as I wanted
and so I continued
breathing as I
looked about at the rest
of my body which
by now was getting hotter
and more resistant
to this awkward
posture I was in
Sitting on my butt
bent over at the
trying, but not too hard
because we don’t do that at Kripalu
to reach my toes
Head to knee
and of course
and hurting
until I got it
I didn’t have to
bend so far
I didn’t have to
I didn’t have to hurt
I could pull back
and breathe some more
which I did
and that’s when I
saw that I’d gone from
the mind to the body
to the cave of the marrow
to the bone
and when I got there
I felt only one big thing


So I breathed some more
and then I realized
that the
cave to the marrow was
holding something
that  I
was not prepared
to confront
the depth of
how much I
have hated this body
and that’s when all
hell broke loose
meaning there
was fire in that
meat and those
bones and it was
coming from my breath and my heart
and I stayed with it
until I could feel, I mean really feel like 
I had burnt off some part
of that thing, that hateful thing
that by now
looked like
a Darth Vadar ish
that I was determined
to love to death
by drowning it in the
thunderstorm of
my tears of
over how long I’d held
that hatred and that pain
that I found as I sat
and breathed in compassion
and breathed out fear
deep in the cave of
the marrow of my spirited bones


it’s the anniversary today of my
throwing your ring away
amd  my surrendering to
the decision to finally let you go
it’s the anniversary of so many
precious and painful moments I remember
of us together or apart

it’s the anniversary of that
firey moment in my
tiny kitchen on a
freezing New Year’s Day
when my eyes locked into your stare
as I clutched at my cup of cider
and chatted with you about nothing
as I played the  hostess
and shyly let you follow me like an adorable pup
begging for my touch and a gentle hug

and it’s the anniversary of our
first little breakup (of more to come)
and my days of crazy thinking
that if I just kissed a few other people
I’d forget the way you’d broken my heart

of course
we know what happened
as my fragile will gave way 7 weeks later
to your  plaintive cry :
please oh please don’t leave me yet,
it’s your birthday
and a great time for making up”

and it’s also the anniversary
just a wisp of a year
after having been lovers
of immersing myself in the fantasy
that one day you and
I would truly work it out

and today still another year later
it’s the second day of a year
of knowing
that love is not about going crazy
or constantly breaking up
and that  forever as a lover
the memory of you
and your traitorous charm
are happily erased from my own precious life

yes, it’s the third anniversary of
my chance encounter
with a woman whose passion
wouldn’t let me go
and whose fear fought my
ever coming back 

oh how painfully sweet
I remember how we danced,
and made love
how we fed, and yes,
tortured each other

and how glad  I am to leave behind
the memories of
my hypnotic love
for your smile,
your wit and
your sneaking bittersweet charm

happy anniversary
dear memory
it was six months of passion and laughter
and two years of sobbing as
I crawled back to my own life

happy anniversary, love
I miss you

and then when I think about it
I don’t.