Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bombs Dropping

Bombs Dropping

On homes and children
And veiled wives
Lives shattered
And animals running
And I sit here in
Flannel pajamas
And contemplate turning
On the sad news
Or not
Feeling like I can do
But pray
That the men in power
Who think they have
My approval will wake up
In some moment
In the middle of
Biting into their
Morning toast
And realize that bombs
Dropping cannot be
The answer to violence
When violent thoughts
And actions
Often have
A cause
In hurt and misunderstanding
By people
Like you and I
Who go about their lives
Working and wanting
And trying to have
A good life
Doing it of course
To their own damn rules
And not yours or mine.

Bombs dropping
Like tears from
The sky
Shattering the peaceful
Existence of
Farmers and goats
And sheep
And little children
Who won’t understand
What it means to be
By thoughts
Cultivated in fear
And ignorance

To be thought of
As a weed that
Must be killed
Or rained upon
By a shower of lethal
From an angry sky
By arrogant fools
Who think THIS
Will preserve our
Sense of patriotism
And courage
Will bring back
The gluttonous
Times of eating
That good ‘ol
American pie.

Oak Park, IL 2001 

Windswept Vulnerability

[for writers' eyes]

There I did it
I dropped the letter in the mailbox
with my latest writings
to you
my friend
and my best
the one I trust
because you generally say
such nice things about what I do
There I did it
I wrote about my mother
and cried at the end of it all
But truthfully
the vulnerability I just shared with myself
this past week,
and that I exposed in the rooms
with others
who don’t really know my name
and really don’t really care about me
that vulnerability doesn’t feel as bad
as the one I’m feeling now
the one that is being windswept
by the carriers’ bags,
the wings of the steel eagles
that is making its way
across Ole’ Miss
and plains
and mountains
and deserts
down to your street
and your doorstep
and your hands
and your caring eyes
yes the very eyes that
I know I can look into
and see loving
This exposure feels
so strange
I’m standing naked in
a line of girls taking a shower
in the mountains
I’m running through one of my own
the ones that I wake up sweating from
because I believed that I was
head to toe
and everyone saw every
tiny ugly mole
and every crevice and wrinkle
on my usually
covered body
That is how I feel
about sending you these writings
I feel naked and exposed and
ohsovunerable that I can
barely spit out the aawwwouuch!!
at the thought
that you might
read what I wrote
and you might
not understand it
or you’ll read it at a different pace
the one that I didn’t intend
the one that belongs after all
to the reader
the one I have to let go of
because after all that is
the writer’s task
to be in the middle of the
word, thought, letter, key, dot, comma and space
in the breath, the idea, the image, the feeling and the
connecting line of brain/heart/body power
that gives the things she writes about
So dear, make me feel
tell me when you read it
that you liked it even if you didn’t
No, that’s not it
Don’t tell me you didn’t like it
even if it’s not the truth
no, wait a minute
cover me up with
a blanket of hugs and kisses
and then tell me the truth
the whole truth and nothing but it
and then tell me whatever
you read, felt, thought, believed
learned or didn’t learn
or what you wanted to know more
about what I wrote
and what I sent to you
today when
I put those pieces of
white paper with
printed words
that came from my heart
and that healed me from my hurt
and that I just had to put to paper
and that I just had to send you
because I trust you goddammit
even if I I get so darn afraid
and windswept and wobbly in
all of myself
because of this
awesome feeling of

Weenie Power

What would it be like
to really tell you to your face
how enraged I finally am at you
and your fellow weenies
but especially you
in your representative capacity
as the head of this
of petrified attitudes
for all the ways in which
you contributed to
the devastating loss
of my academic dreams?

What would you say if
I suddenly appeared
out of nowhere
minutes after you’d just
finished brushing your teeth
and were still adjusting
the collar of your shirt
and pulling on your tie
my presence seeming like
the fulfillment
of a nightmare
of meeting up with
who with raging fire
spewing from my eyes
my pores
my hands like
laser swords
aimed at your
groin and shouting
You !
Hey you!
wearing that
cloth of power
Yeah you!
with the
stinking cigar
and the
vest decorated
with the nails
left over from
sealing my
professional coffin?

Yes, what would
you do if
you understood
that you’d buried
my spirit alive
and that
I’ve come back
from the land of
those presumed
a fatality
under one of the
rails of the tenure-track
and that it is burning
a set of footprints
on your doormat
as I await the
moment of
seeing you
just for a second
and reach for your
weenie whistle
and the aid of
your subjects
those marzipan soldiers
who confused
the Tin Man
for a leader
and like frightened roaches
are scurrying off
to other corners
under the
flashing lights
of the public’s scrutiny?

What would you do
Oh gracious leader
with your Cheshire cat smile
what would you do
if you understood
that sandwiched between
my rage and my anger
there is an old wound
now covered up with scars
and that
I’ve just come back
to caution you
stay out of the way
of the healed warrior
who has reclaimed her power

I tell you what
don’t tell me what you’d do
I don’t really care
what’s more important
is that in this mind’s eye
I’ve got a six shooter
on my hip
we’re on a dirt street
in front of that shameful parlor
they call a learned hall of legal education
and you’ve got one too
but it’s me and my target-practiced
fury against you
and your
little weenie

June 1998, Kripalu,
Lenox, MASS.


Tentative Tree/Dominic/Serenidad 

Tentative Tree
high up
at dawn 
standing in the 
Asana of Tree
and seeing the 
tops of cedar elm
out the window

for the miracle
of being alive 
to stand with
one leg up
like a flamingo

arms outstretched to 
the open hill country
fingertips reaching 
for the heavens above

emerge at the edges
of an imperfect stance

and from my current life station


and swaying to the 
windy currents of desire
and expectations
jobless yet with 
so much to do 
in that posture of 
if nothing else
to hold me up

along with strength from the love 
and kindness of friends
who embrace 
my tired limbs.

Boerne, TX


I’m in the middle of 
A really good dream 
Don’t you understand?
Sleeping in the nun’s room
And tossing with 
Menopausal fury
And then you come along
With a plaintive
And my right hand reaches out 
to pet thick
fur and rub grateful
purring head
it’s enough to calm 
you for another hour
or so because
right now 
you darn
sweet cat
I’m too dead tired
to drag myself 
to the kitchen
and check out 
the finicky condition
of water, bowl or 
needy disposition
that brings you
into Act 1, Scene 2
of my nightly melodrama
the stories of my life
pulled out from under
the pillow of my aging 
and replayed for the 
hundredth time again
and now that I think 
of it
came along
just at the right 

Boerne, TX – 7/21/00   


It is simple
Es sencillo

Dormir bien bajo las estrellitas 
A good sleep
a canopy of stars

Respirando  los aires del campo noche y día 
Breathing warm earthen-scented air
at the day’s beginning
and in the middle of 
a chirping filled country night

La barriga llena de frutas, hierbas y verduras 
A belly filled with
fresh herbs, fruits 
and vegetables

Gifts from the loving hands
of talented gardeners
women graced with living
the feminine principle 

Regalos de las jardineras de la Diosa 
Viviendo bajo el orden natural y feminino

Dándole á  y recibiendo de
 la  tierra bondadosa
of giving and receiving from
the land 

Trabajando y enriqueciendo
Los terrenos con las aguitas

 y el sudor
de una cara sonriente

toiling and feeding the roots
with moisture from 
drip drip dripping waters
and the gently falling 
sweat of the happy brow. 

Boerne, TX  

Prayer for Cada Dia

I shall write about
this piercing terror
that needles through every
single pore of my skin

I sit at the computer
staring at lace curtains
late summer greenleaves
dampened trunks of
a giant cedar elm
and Southern pecan
after a drenching

I thirst for a stream of
delicious words
honeyed by the warmth
of my faith
that I can travel inside
the mind of the Goddesses
Gaia, Athena, Isis,
Kali, Artemis and Guadalupe

I am at the tip of their strong
fingers, or they are coming
through the endpoints of mine
I am light on my strikes
to this molded plastic
they call a link to
the computer
my friend
my enemy
the tool I use to
travel light years
in a moment of brilliantly colored
fantasy and thought

Come forth oh ladies of mystery!
come forth
through these muscled
hands that love to dig
the earth of my family’s
history and
find sad bones
tortured memories
salty braids of love lost
and hope betrayed
sugar rocks
and chocolate wheels
corn husks
blankets of coarse thread
clay bean pots
frijoles calientitos
and somber images
of el Sagrado Corazon
and La Virgen and her
Ninõ Jesús
burning candles
ancient ghosts
that made us laugh
and rosaries for
the dead

Come forth and show me
what I forget I already know
about what makes
me brown marimacha
special and not

Abrázame Diosa
Hold me Goddess
in your rebozo of
wisdom and light

Help me write
a word, a story that
will forever connect me
to those women I loved
and have now buried

to my cocinera, my cook
my tejera, my  seamstress
to my Abuela la jardinera
y a la maestra de mis
malas maneras

Yes, cada dia
I shall write
and remember
that the piercing terror
is a gift and a door
to las memorias
to unrelenting
word and prayer
to a rosary of love
and as many legends,
myths and old viejas’ tales

Yes, everyday
I shall remember
and be grateful
that I can remember
and weep and tell the stories
that make them
mis Diosas
and my written fragments
a way for me to feel
and never to forget.

Elvia Arriola, Austin, Texas, 1999.

The Alley

Strolling the alley
Of a run down working-class
Black, Latino and poor white
Neighborhood in DeKalb
I felt the air
Of an approaching springtime
A breeze gently swirled
Dead brown leaves that
Had been buried for weeks
Under blankets of snow

A green and purple shoot
Pushing through the warming
Reminded me
Of past Lenten seasons
Anticipation of Easter
Priests in purple vestments
The irises I would gift Abuelita
As her “flores favoritas”
And the aroma of baking
Bread pudding she called

Turning the corner
A brown family walked by
We all approached downtown
And the old railroad crossing
And then I wondered
How many changes had come
And gone in this little town
And old row of houses
New about a hundred years ago
How many trains had passed
Through these prairies
And the farms and the cornfields
Of northern Illinois
When did the first Mexicanos arrive
With their families to pick
The crops for the white farmers
And how did they end up
My neighbors in this little row
Of humble casitas near
The railroad tracks?
When did la frontera
Move so far north
To Chicagolands
Bringing with it
Men, women and children
Who walk by
Hablando español
Averting the gaze of an assimilated
Or anglicized eye?
How do they make barrio
And comunidad
And survive the icy
Cold whiteness of these
Midwestern plains?

E.Arriola, DeKalb, IL 3/18/02

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Yoga's Divine Stretch

I thought of the divine
as possibly resting within me
and saw a flower of compassion
deep purple, pink, throbbing in its glory

I dared to consider
that my soul is illuminated
by a spark
of that energy we call God(dess)

Upon further consideration
of the divine in me
I saw lightning bolts
labelled joy, freedom
and an awesome love
for everything alive
that can make a rock weep
and clouds dance in delight

When I paused to reflect
how I might teach others
that our spirits, minds and bodies
in union
recreate the wisdom
that gave us the
star-studded heavens

I rejoiced

As I witnessed
the strength it takes
to whisper our hurts
into a pillow we have drenched
with our tears
or the courage it takes
to share them as we weep
and bathe the shoulders
of a comforting friend

And I owned the
courage it has taken
to stand tall when
I understood that
not everyone liked
but many more have loved

When I could envision
the wardrobe of my
leap of faith as I emerged
from this dungeon of despair
I saw pearl-capped mountains
holding me up tall and proud
warrior’s armor polished
with ruby red breath
I wore emerald green trees
and sapphire laced blankets
for a child’s pose

I saw the union of
my body with spirit and
a restless mind

I saw my off-the-mat-yoga
as a dreamer’s
notion of what it
means to express
being both human and divine.

Spiritual Breath

the breath rises
and life proceeds
before and after


curved universe
returns the
ray of light that just
bounced against my eye


on the starry night’s path
I reach out
and find the hands
of old friends
willing to look down
on the earth’s
like on a table of
eternal thought
and to say in our
“I wonder if they’ve
had a good day”


I can imagine myself
in spirit, mind
and body
no further from goddess
than the ant
the elephant
the rivers in India are
in their own rhythm
and history

I can awake
with a smile
of contentment
because I no longer
need the artificialities
of boxed up existence
we have labelled TIME

When the polyester suits
of the sixties
and the Wall Street
furies of the eighties
or the poverty and
hateful indifferences
of the nineties
and dogs on motorcycles
or Madonna
chanting OM
mean no more
than we humans
finding strange ways
to act out our
unconscious disturbance
that God’s plan
has not been revealed to us


When the bombs in India
or the elections in Iran
stop giving me
reason to reach for an aspirin
or to stir with less ease
the tea in my cup


I have come to understand
the meaning of
and the meaninglessness
of meditating on my resistance


I might relish
in the rise and fall
of the breath
and string it out
long and full
hoping that
it is one more
on the goddess’s
capable of
making her

Austin, TX May 1999


I hereby
invoke a new prayer

a la India Diosa
quien me carga en
su rebozo
Dame paciencia

grant me patience

Le tengo miedo al futuro
I fear the future

Se me olvida que
tu todo sabes
I forget that you know all

que tu cuidas los mares
los vientos
y los temblores

That you watch over seas
winds and quakes

Y te encargas del horario
en que se terminan
los viajes de nuestras almas

And that you keep the time
clock which marks the end of
our soul’s journeys

O Diosa grande y buena
Oh Goddess good and great

Por un grano de paciencia
le doy las gracias

For a grain of patience
I thank you

Y te ofrezco mi maiz
amarillo lleno de esperanza

And I offer you this maize
filled with the color of hope

Y amor
and love

Oye mi oracion
Hear my prayer

Mientras canto
tus gracias
y maneras de recordarme

While I sing your graces
and your ways of reminding me

Que nunca estoy sola
That I am never alone

Que to rebozo de luz
That your blanket of light

Siempre cargo dentro de mis
buenas intenciones y mi fe

I carry always as an aspect
of my willingness
and my faith



[Once upon a time I thought I would try a week long guided fast.]

Love is a mystery
no connection it seems
to what is going on around me
until I remember
Hey, they’re probably
all feeling just like me
Where is love in this process
of tepid broth
beet juice
brown rice
and nothing but 
Where is love in this journey
of looking at me
from the inside out
not running from the
uncooked emotions
bubbling to the surface
of this teapot of my inner self

Where am I?
Who am I? Who have I been
around rice, pasta, cookies
ice cream and endless arrays
of rich desserts and why?
What does love
have to do with eating and not eating?

But I have eaten
out of loneliness
I have eaten out of spite
I have eaten inside of closets
I have hidden snacks
and opened them in the night
I have eaten for 2 or 3 all in one sitting
and I have also starved myself in punishment
for the binge
I have eaten in ways 
when I didn’t even know
that the cake, cookie or candy
was covering up 
a dirty old feeling 
like Hate. 

Eating is love
is a need
is a right
is a burden

Eating is a feeling, a thought
I buried under every
fast, hungry, unconscious bite

Eat, bite, crunch, 
fast, slow, awake and 
mellow.  Eat 
for nourishment
for body and soul
eat for energy to 
dance, kick, run
and play with other fellows 

Eating for love
for loss of love
not eating for love
for loss of love?

Where is love?

It remains 
a mystery
food and love 
and eating

the same

a part of the mystery
my own investigation into the
differences between
loneliness, hunger, eating, food
and loving me.

Heart in the Mountain

I came to the mountains
and I found my heart

it was sitting at the
foothills just waiting for me

when I got there
the trees called out my
name and opened
their arms to
hold the hurts, aches
and disppointments
I’d brought in my knapsack

The black birds danced a jig
while the red birds
set a table for the
feasting on colorful
stretches they knew
I would enjoy

As I set down my bags
and put the past beind me
the lake offered to hug me
as I dropped my worries
into her bosom
and I greeted my healing heart
and delighted in the
rainbow of emotions
she had been waiting
to show me

And after a good
and long visit
I thanked the mountains
for their generous hospitality
as I gave them the
happy news that
my heart and I
were going back
home together
at peace 
and in love

In the Memory of...

Every car drove by
To the last good bye
For the woman
Whose symbol of life
Would be the peach
Colored roses on
Her simple box
And wearing dresses
Of black, white, brown
And blue
The women of the clan
Cried and passed
Along their embraces
To brothers and sisters
Family and friends
Sharing memories
Of a tall elegant
Younger mother
With a fierce talent
And a sharp mind
And a cutting tongue
If you crossed
her righteous path
Invoking the wrath
Over felt breaches of
Her deeply committed
Values, beliefs and
Personally designed

At the ceremony's end
When they couldn't laugh anymore
About childhood memories
When the last photo of togetherness
Had been shot and labeled
When the last tissue
Had been soaked
With the waters of grief
Adequate for one day
Pitifully small for
A lifetime of remembrance
Their eyes were drawn
To the star-studded sky
And the spelling
In it of her
Light-filled name
And in a dreamy gaze
They journeyed home
To be tucked in bed
By a Mother's distant love
Blanketed with
And their rekindled
Love for each other.

Summer 1998

Monday, September 22, 2014

Blood in the Snow, a campus shooting survivor reflects

[on a bitterly cold and snowy February 14, 2008, a former graduate student of Northern Illinois University came on to the DeKalb campus armed with guns, entered a large classroom in Cole Hall and shot and killed five students and injured sixteen others. He then turned the gun on himself.]  

* * * 
Your feet crunched 
across the frozen grounds
of this alma mater
carrying cold steel 
in the pockets of an overcoat
like the metal surrounding your heart 

blood spurts of 
"anger repressed"
words to describe in neutral terms

"clinically depressed"

a mad man 'or just a "mad" young man

without a voice

I think of the seconds before
the crunch of your boots across
the cold pavement

did you sweat in anticipation
did you shed a tear in the seconds
before turning the trigger on yourself? 

Did you have a moment of indecision
a chat with someone
an admission 

I'm crazy with this feeling
and this is what I want to do...
and I mean it...

White skin on the white snow 
walked into a room full of the 
coats of many colors
worn in the season before spring

everyone sat waiting for the T.A.
as you walked in and lay your broken
spirit on the floor
gently or madly
closing the door
and opening the case in which
the weapon of mass destruction lay
nesting and ready for its moment 
of precision
crafted in a shop somewhere 
far away
but brought to this moment
this insane crazed moment
as you bent down 
to pick it up 
because your soul had already been 
left at home
crushed or barely surviving
on the breath of fury
which now jumped from behind
the metal door around your pumping heart
pushed the muscle in the hand
that now aimed and opened fire
once, twice, more, the 
girls and boys 
now dropping 
like targets at a range
or birds in the sky
their shocked spirits
floating across the whiteness of the 
outside snow which they too
had walked that day as you
winter boots on the grounds 
of your alma mater
who now must embrace
all of her children in a deeply sorrowful
gesture of 
community grief
rage filled tears
and love.